Dec 24, 2009

Tis the season that i look up christmas songs on youtube.

And from my absolutely favorite Christmas movie:

Dec 13, 2009

A tiny round man was trying to walk down a hill but couldn't stop himself from half jogging. Reaching the bottom he slowed and bent over, leaning on his stomach (it had been a very long time since he stomach was small enough for him to reach his knees), and weezed his final breathes before his heart stopped and he fell; first on one of those knees that he hadn't touched in oh SO long, then bouncing with his belly to finally rest on his face in the mud.
He was wearing a sweater for the first time since it was given to him by his wife last Christmas. Now his sweater has been ruined in the mud and will soon be cut beyond repair by medics soon to arrive on the scene.
The sunset was beautiful.