Oct 6, 2010

aha, to hear again.

You can probably surmise my ear can receive sound properly now. It is such a relief! I can hear myself bouncing off walls when yelling, it's nice. haha.

I was in the store, (pre-'new-found-sound') getting a couple things for lunch; sweet potato chips and apple cider to compliment some noodles. Very hungry and feeling anxious enough about eating, and then as I was approaching the smallest check out line I yawned, and it popped. The sound was like bubble wrap being twisted into an indian burn. (I might have looked like one of the guys grabbing his ear in Saving Private Ryan after a bomb went off. Now cut to first person blurry shaky view of the ground as they take in the silence storm.) Suddenly my hearing was hypersensitive and thriving, I was alive! My right brain was sucking on sound with a straw.
Of course I grinned, why not, I was so happy. I probably looked like I had just become a father. Admittedly at this point I was smiling far too much at the cashier and she was staring at me all through scanning my two items. I leaned in to her after swiping my card to tell her the news.
"My hearing just came back. I haven't heard out of my left ear for 3 weeks, and it just came back as I was entering your line!"
She thought I was bonkers. Mouth ear to ear and after experiencing a "wonder" in her line. She rolled her eyes with a polite grin and mouthed very clearly towards her register "riiight".
I didn't care that she wasn't amazed.

Beyond thrilled I almost skipped out the doors, but quickly decided no. I got in my car and heard the loud slam of the door next to me again. I was home in my world of sound. At last.

Spin radio dial, consume sound, radiant feeling.

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